Let The Good Times Roll, Feel Like A Stranger, El Paso, Me & My Uncle-> Mexicali Blues, Loser, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Loose Lucy, Cassidy, Don't Ease Me In Victim Or The Crime-> Touch Of Gray, Looks Like Rain-> Terrapin Station-> Drums-> Jam-> Dear Mr. Fantasy-> Hey Jude Reprise-> All Along The Watchtower-> Stella Blue-> Turn On Your Love Light, E: Black Muddy River
SBD (Matrix) > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHN; with AUD patch at end of encore: Schoeps CMC441s > Sony PCM F1> SL-2000> DAT> Cass> SHN (Ken Adelman). DAE (EAC) > tracking (CDWAV) > boundary checking (SHNTOOL) > SHN (MKWACT) via neo_levo; SBD seed via Charlie Miller
Reviewer:Jim Powell
July 21, 2023 (edited)
I love your story Sister Viola Lee. Thanks. Expo June 90 was a great time and place to board the bus. jlove, these things happen. My favorite was the girl who chased Brent around his keyboards at the Greek. She had hair down to her butt and she cut it all off that night so she could get in the next show. I met her several years later, she wasn't all that crazy, and her hair grew back.
Reviewer:Sister Viola Lee
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December 13, 2022 Subject:
Victim & Stella
This was the first show I attended as an adult. My parents were fans early on so I grew up listening to the Dead my entire life and even was present at free shows in SF as an infant (although I obviously have no conceptual memory of those shows) so in my perspective, the Grateful Dead have always existed. I did, as a teenager in the early 80's sort of avoid that scene getting more into the harder stuff and punk rock etc. I was amazed when my dear friend, Tracy, took me to this show and how "at home" I felt there. The songs, most of them, were unusually familiar to me and I knew I belonged there. In 2022, what stands out to me about this show besides the rediscovery I underwent there, was that song 'Victim Or The Crime:' is still in playback mode in my head and has been ever since. Another one from that night that permanently embedded into my bones was Stella Blue. The whole night was magical but those two songs really stuck with me all these years . Thank you for posting!
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May 23, 2022 Subject:
to tripelI: I Totally Remember!
Your description of the idiot that jumped on stage is spot on. One detail I would like to add is that the guy touched the very tip of Jerry's guitar and was more like caught not tackled and whisked off stage. Jerry stepping back, furrowing his brow, and ripping was so awesome! I will never forget that and can still see his expression vividly in my mind. I was in the front row, right in front of Jerry. Watching this guy coming after Jerry, I went from holding my breath and near cardiac arrest to pure joy and elation after Steve Parish (Pretty sure it was SP) caught him. It was "tragedy narrowly averted" as Bob Weir once said about the song Monkey and the Engineer. Thank you for sharing Tripell.
June 6, 2018 Subject:
bread crumb
I sang a little while and then flew on.
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December 23, 2014 Subject:
Great, but strange...
I really loved this show. The night was glorious. Great Sacramento weather, and the MOON which came out for the encore of Black Muddy River was pretty sweet. Added to a magical evening of outstanding music. The lead-in to Victim was drug out (as was I) and a little longish, which made for a trippy start to the second set. When that dude flew up onto the stage during Watchtower he was obviously really really "feeling it". Looked like he was trying to touch Jerry's guitar but that roadie was fast acting. Kind of a drag when people do that sort of thing. I read that post here from somebody claiming to be his friend. {{{{sigh}}}} Like I said, kind of a drag when somebody does something like that. Still, this was a pretty amazing show. Absolutely deserves the five stars it showed itself to be that warm and weird night by the river in Sacramento.
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June 9, 2012 Subject:
Peggy-O, Terrapin, Fantasy > Jude
Flawless, all of them. Shows where Brent was as a musician. And to the guy that gave the show one star because his "buddy" was a j@ckass, thanks.
Man I would have loved it if Jerry put that smackdown on that degenerate.
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October 16, 2008 Subject:
better be right Trannyman
Wow...this really is some of the best stuff from '90. The inconsistency during the last ten years of the band makes it that much more fun to hunt for the jems. After listening to every second of this show I just want to say that all the half dead wankers who say there was no magic in the end years- kiss my white hairy ass! This show is something else. Every bit as good as any 70s show. This is the work of clear MASTERS. You can really hear the grace of the old hands with their tools just slaying the songs with a strength bred on familiarity! And I think this show is a 5 no doubt, but I'm going to make sure there isn't one notch higher by trying 6/10.... oh and 6/8 too! Thanks for the stories. Pretty pretty amusing !) Peace
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September 22, 2006 Subject:
Not 6/10 but still awesome
I'm a lucky fella to have gone to these 3 all the way from NYC. I think Cal Expo was sharper and better played than the Shoreline run myself. This show features solid 1st and 2nd sets. Sound quality of the matrix boards from Cal Expo 90 are some of the finest recordings of the Dead ever. Absolute desert island discs. The run peaks the next night with one of the best shows I've ever heard from any era. But this one is mighty fine too! 4 stars for the show, 5 stars for the SBD. Since they can't be downloaded in WAV format anymore, I would suggest streaming the show onto a recordable CDR.
Reviewer:Dub Irie
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January 15, 2006 Subject:
Great Show and Great SB
Whoever rated this show a 1 and is friendly with the nutcase that tried to attack Jerry ought to have their "review" EXTRACTED FROM THIS ARCHIVE. This was a 5 star show from 90 and one of the best setlists of the summer. The vibe at the show was excellent. This matrix sounds very nice.
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December 17, 2005 Subject:
Yeah i remember that
That was a friend of mine that went after Jerry like that. He was trying to "merge" with him. (his words) He made several attempts at this, the last being the jerry riot Warfield shows of 92. In this case it was during the Maker...my friend lept to the stage at Jerry during "Jean Baptiste, coming to me me with the Maker" my friend ran at Jerry attempting "merge" with him--security grabbed him by each arm. the doors to 6th street were opened they tossed him out, doors shut. Jerry appeared a lil shaken and then repeated the Jean Baptiste line...
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August 24, 2004 Subject:
anyone remember......?
...the crazed dude come up out of the crowd and make a beeline for Jerry during Watchtower? One of the roadies at the side of the stage saw him coming and bolted across the stage just in time to deliver a world class Warren Sapp tackle just inches from Jerry... then Jerry just stepped back with raised eyebrows and launched into a particularly nasty section of his solo....great stuff.. Quality shows, the whole run...for me, the last of the best...saw about 50 from 1983-94, and the post-Brent shows didn't quite cut it for me.
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May 2, 2004 Subject:
Set one is a hot one
This show is one of the best from the 90 summer run. The stranger is one of the finest I have ever heard. followed by a sweet Peggy-O. Me& my Uncle-> Mexicali are are energetic, followed by a powerful Loser. The Loose Lucy rocks,Jerry lets it rip at the end. A rockin Cassidy-> dont Ease close the set. On a 1-10 scale, 10 High, this first set gets a 9.
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April 27, 2004 Subject:
My first show after moving to Cailifornia only to find the the Greek and Frost were no longer avaialble to me... Great show with nice energy and this is a great document of a hell of time!!!
This & the 10th are the best SBD/Matrix recordings I've EVER heard!!!! Unbelievable clarity & just enuf crowd noise to remember what a PARTY these shows were. BIG energy ALL AROUND!!!! There was, and never will be, another Cal Expo!!!!!